4 Easy Steps to Using ColorBond Tail Light Paint
Over the years tail lights have increasingly become a major styling element of automobiles and motorcycles alike. From interesting and daring housing and lens shapes, to logos and wording embossed in lenses, the creativity of designers is expressed. Perhaps the epitome of tail lights were the designs of the 50’s and 60’s that captured the spirit of the time by emulating jet and rocket engines. If you are searching for a way to give your tail lights a dramatic look, ColorBond Pro Tech Translucent Black Tail Light Color tail light paint might be just what you are looking for.
Pro Tech Translucent Black Tail Light Color darkens tail lights to provide a cool customized look that will make your car, truck, or motorcycle stand out from the crowd. The tail light paint gives lights a blacked out look until they are lit up. Blacked out tail lights have been used by some vehicle manufacturers to heighten the styling of their vehicles and now you can do the same! Pro Tech Translucent Black Tail Light Color is trusted by professional auto restorers and do-it-yourself users alike.
Not only does Pro Tech Translucent Black Tail Light Color look great, it is an economical option to other tail light darkening products. Consider a pair of black out tail covers typically cost $50-$75.00 or more. Yet, one can of ColorBond tail light paint costs only $24.00 and can tint one pair of tail lights, if not more. Also, if tail light covers are not available for your vehicle, you are out of luck. However, with Pro Tech Translucent Black Tail Light Color, any tail light can be tinted. For an extra touch of customization stencils can be used. The tail light paint can also be applied to fog lights or turn signal indicators to create a black appearance.
Creating a custom appearance with Pro Tech Translucent Black Tail Light Color can be done in 4 easy steps.
- Remove the tail light lens from the vehicle
- Clean the tail lights thoroughly. Using ColorBond Prep Cleaner is recommended for best preparation.
- Lightly buff the tail lights with 1200 grit wet/dry sandpaper. This will prepare the surface for best adhesion of the tail light paint.
- Apply three light mist coats of Pro Tech Translucent Black Tail Light Color. Allow five minutes drying time between each coat.
Please note, the best temperature for application of the tail light paint is 65-75° F.
Tail light paint allows you to create a dramatic look quickly, easily, and economically. More information on ColorBond Pro Tech Translucent Black Tail Light Color is available here.